Curriculum Overview

Our aim is to provide a rich and broad education to all pupils whatever their specialism, pursuing excellence in all areas whether examinable or not. 

The basis of the timetable is six taught hours per day plus the extra-curricular programme which includes academic, non-academic and sports-based clubs.

In Years 7-8, each pupil explores a wide range of core subjects including: Spanish, Design and Technology, Music, Food Preparation and Nutrition and Art along with the Humanities, Maths, English and Science. Students also study French, Latin and German, and enjoy one full afternoon of Games per week. This wide range of subjects will enable pupils to make informed choices about exam options as they move further up the school.

Options for GCSE will take place towards the end of Year 8 and be managed as part of a careers guidance programme which will support pupils in making informed subject choices.

In Years 9, 10 and 11 the core curriculum remains in place but an extensive range of challenging and stimulating subject options are available. The three year programme enables some students to ‘fast track’, if appropriate.

Sixth Formers will be able to choose from a range of subjects most of which they will have studied either at GCSE or as part of the Individuals in Society (IS) course. 

Our IS course focuses on personal development, emotionally, practically, and intellectually, throughout each pupil’s life at the school via regular, time-tabled sessions and extensions of the school day. 


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